piątek, 4 kwietnia 2014

Teenagers in 21 century

So what, we have fifteen, sixteen, seventeen years and we aren't childrens and aren't adult persons. We want to pass of inspect people but usually we keep like little childs. What says that we are adult? Nothing but our attitude. Yeah, I think that's right answer, because when we do stupid things we are kids and if we undertake mature decissions. Our parents expects that we will be wise and that we won't break thier trust. Unfortunately, somtimes we won't pass this test and parents handle us like young, stupid childs.
Do you agree with me? Teenagers want to play adults but deep in ours bodies hide a little kid who sometimes want to show parents how we have fun with really small things.

1 komentarz:

  1. Teenagers are weird. A lot of them always pose on adults, but inside are only children... It's stupid! They should enjoy childhood while they have a chance!
