It's relative notions. We can't say that something is good or bad, because for other people it can be something different. This is just our opinion. We can believe that is right but your friend believe too in other thing.
I just tell I approve kill but my grandmother say that is really wrong. But she doesn't know that I mean kill for instance paedophiles or terrorists. She can't see it, she just imagine that people stay with a gun in hand and shoot to innocent people. That's way we can't say what is good and what is bad.
We can argue with others about your arguments but it is impossible when second person persuade himself opinion. But I think you can try.
Some people really don't distinguish good from the evil. Or don't want to distinguish. They pass the evil completely indifferent. Because that matter doesn't concern them. From day to day I lose the faith in humanity. Undoubtedly the world in which we live is bad. And today it's very difficult to choose between good and evil.