piątek, 14 marca 2014

Are you sure?

That's perfect questions. Life is build for different choices. It's hard decide good. When you think you're right maybe you have weird feeling really deep inside that you doing wrong but you don't know about exist this feeling. Also could happen that people who you love can have diametrically different opinion about the same topic and you think really long about your decision.
When I was younger my mum told me that I must learn decide. All the time I was angry for her. And again and again I was repeat rhymes like: ene due rike fake torba borba ósme smake deus deus kosmakeus i morele bax. And it worked. It's funny but I really do that. When rhyme was ending and my finger pointed one thing I felt inside that I want more this second thing.
Now, I'm a little bit older and decide isn't easier but many people need to know what I have to say and no matter what they think about it and what they say I'm proud about of my opinion and I won't hide it. No matter if I decided wrong, regardless I learn more thanks to the fact and the next time I'll know better than last time.
Well, question Are you sure? Isn't constant and I think it won't be like that for long, long time.

4 komentarze:

  1. "Are you sure" is one of the most difficult questions in life. I think that I'm little bit older than you, but still I can't make decissions quickly. I'm so indecisive ;)
    Part about rhymes was very funny. Sometimes, when we absolutly don't know what do to, this can work miracles!
    How often do you intend to add notes here?

    1. Oh, I don't know, I have a few next posts. I think I can add one at week ;)

  2. Reading this blog is a challenge for me. I don't know what I have a five from English. XD I'm sure I'll make mistakes. I'm sorry! :)
    I can't wait the next post. :)

    1. Yeah I have the same. I know that's posts aren't perfect but I must write it.
      You don't have reason for sorry ;)
