poniedziałek, 31 marca 2014


Everybody has somebody who is always and forever. No matter how you are angry or awful this person love you because know you better than all your friends or family mates. Friendship is important? I think this is the most important thing in the whole world. Every human should have friend. You can tell him or her everything and the person don't judge you. It's the best in this relation.
We can cry on his arm or sitting without one word. We have fun together or lying all day at home.
The funniest is that we are more than friends, we are siblings. Friendship is the same soul in different body. I've hope that every you have real friend. Everybody deserves for real relationship which is friendship.
A huge advantages is that we are close about distance. We decided that we will be the best friends, and we can't break this promise. Trust is the most important thing in friendship.
Remember that!

wtorek, 25 marca 2014

What about feelings?

Feelings it's sensitive topic because we encounter with different variants of feelings. We split it for good and bad. Sometimes we are really happy and we say that we're in seventh heaven or if we really sad we say that we're depressed and last one when we angry we do something what help us feel better. Any people manage different, like me - talking with best friend or like many others people keep it deep inside. They don't like saying about feelings or problems. They think that they get better by himselfs.
Positive emotions are really needed because these feelings cause that we meet a lot of interesting people, help us to be more brave and be open for others people or challenges.
But these negative feelings are the worst thing what can happen to you. When no one see how are you, you can get into trouble like depression or others illness your brain. You imagine that no one cares about you (what isn't true) and it could bring about dead.
It's important to have someone who can listen and understand you and when you happy make use of, it's the most beautiful feeling under the Sun.
You Only Live Once - Remember that and keep all of good memories.


czwartek, 20 marca 2014

It is good or bad?

It's relative notions. We can't say that something is good or bad, because for other people it can be something different. This is just our opinion. We can believe that is right but your friend believe too in other thing.
I just tell I approve kill but my grandmother say that is really wrong. But she doesn't know that I mean kill for instance paedophiles or terrorists. She can't see it, she just imagine that people stay with a gun in hand and shoot to innocent people. That's way we can't say what is good and what is bad.
We can argue with others about your arguments but it is impossible when second person persuade himself opinion. But I think you can try.

piątek, 14 marca 2014

Are you sure?

That's perfect questions. Life is build for different choices. It's hard decide good. When you think you're right maybe you have weird feeling really deep inside that you doing wrong but you don't know about exist this feeling. Also could happen that people who you love can have diametrically different opinion about the same topic and you think really long about your decision.
When I was younger my mum told me that I must learn decide. All the time I was angry for her. And again and again I was repeat rhymes like: ene due rike fake torba borba ósme smake deus deus kosmakeus i morele bax. And it worked. It's funny but I really do that. When rhyme was ending and my finger pointed one thing I felt inside that I want more this second thing.
Now, I'm a little bit older and decide isn't easier but many people need to know what I have to say and no matter what they think about it and what they say I'm proud about of my opinion and I won't hide it. No matter if I decided wrong, regardless I learn more thanks to the fact and the next time I'll know better than last time.
Well, question Are you sure? Isn't constant and I think it won't be like that for long, long time.

wtorek, 11 marca 2014

First and last blog in English.

So, here I am. Maybe you are from my last blog the worst nightmare is a life or you are my teacher English (I'm glad for this exercise). But I'm sure this is my first and last blog in this language.
I just wanna say hello and coax to read all this things which I want to say ;)